Our History

Pastor Baity

Dr. Ronnie L. Baity is the founding Pastor of the Berean Baptist Church at 4135 Thomasville Road in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

The Church was officially begun on the second Sunday in November 1980. The Church began with 38 members and was originally located about 1 mile south of its present location in a small "store front" building. Original Location

Though the space for parking was limited, God still began to bless young Berean Baptist Church with souls being saved and added to "His" Church. Soon the young Berean Baptist Church was growing, not only in membership, but in physical size as well.

A new section was soon added to the back of the Church building for additional Sunday School Classes and Office space. Praise the Lord for Church members who helped become Soul-Winners and labourers together in the harvest field of the Lord!

With the help of faithful Church members and under the leadership of Pastor Baity, the new addition to that little store front Church building was completed. Many lost souls came to know Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior while in that little Church building!

Breaking Ground

As more souls were saved, we soon outgrew that little store front Church building. The need for a bigger building soon became evident, so in 1983 the Church purchased more property with plans to build a new Church building.

Breaking Ground At the ground breaking for the new building, Pastor Baity hooked up his "team of trustees" to the plow and together they began to break new ground.

Pouring Cement Berean Baptist Church was officially "Growing again" and everyone was excited to see God blessing our "little" Church! Soon the land was being cleared and the foundation for the new building was being poured!

In the meantime, souls were still being saved and lives were being changed in the little store front building. Many people who had no way to come to Church were brought in by the Berean Baptist Church Bus Ministry, founded soon after the Church began. Church Bus

Only the Lord God of Heaven knows exactly how many souls have been touched because of the Bus Ministry at Berean Baptist Church. Soul-Winners not only were able to lead people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, but now they had the means to bring their converts to Church.

Under the sound of the precious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, after they received the Word gladly into their hearts, converts could now begin to grow in the grace and knowledge of their dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! The Bus Ministry of Berean Baptist Church is more than just "a way to Church" for many people...it is a way to go and to grow in Christ.

Framing a New Church

Soon after the foundation of the new building was poured, workers were hired and members volunteered to help build the House of God! Our New Auditorium There was wiring to do, bricks to be laid and lots of other work to make this building a "Soul-Winning Station". Many people who could not work prayed for those who did.

Our New Auditorium
There were obstacles to overcome and bridges to be crossed, but our faithful God and Saviour answered every prayer and supplied every need, and in 1984 the new church auditorium was completed and ready for the first service!

God continued to bless Berean Baptist Church with souls saved and soon the new building's gravel parking lot began to fill up with the cars Parking Lot of both members and new visitors. A cloud of dust was raised every Sunday on the south side of Winston-Salem as God sent people to hear the preaching of God's Precious Word by Pastor Baity.

Our Pastor has remained faithful to preach the Word of God uncompromisingly. Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 58:1, "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."

Pastor Baity has indeed cried aloud and spared not Preaching the Word as God's Word instructs "Preachers" to do. He has remained to be a strong voice in the Winston-Salem area for the cause of Christ and for the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Thank God for a "man of God" that is willing to be what God wants him to be and to "preach" what God says preach and to "do" what God says do!

Pastor Baity's desire to seek out the will of God for the Church he pastors has led to other ministries here at Berean Baptist Church. That same vision has led Berean Baptist Church to start Berean Christian School for Kindergarten children ages 3 through High School grade 12 in 1987.

Again, the outreach ministries of the Berean Baptist Church came forth to help families teach their children to live for God. Breaking Ground for Education The Groundbreaking Service brought much excitement and anticipation for parents whose desire was to train up their children in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord". And once again, the Church members and Trustees stood along side their Pastor as they stepped out in faith to begin Berean Christian School. Breaking Gound for Education

A sign was set out near the entrance to the Church along side Highway 109 as Church members and people from outside Berean Baptist Church's membership began to enroll their children in Berean Christian School.

The School building was completed and the School Sign first students were enrolled in 1987.

God has continued to bless Berean Christian School with both Staff and Students who love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many of the graduates of Berean Christian School are now serving the Lord both in Church ministerial positions and in secular jobs all across the United States of America!

School Side School end The School building itself serves as a multi-purpose facility, housing the Christian School during the day and providing much needed Sunday School Class space on Sunday Morning.

It also now facilitates the latest outreach ministry of Berean Baptist Church which is its Conservative Christian Radio Station WPIP 880 AM.

In June 1995, God opened another door of outreach ministry for the Berean Baptist Church...WPIP 880 AM Radio station.

The station became a "Local Church Ministry" and is operated under our Christian School. The actual radio Station facilities are located in the School Building at Berean Baptist Church and is manned 7 Days a week, 365 Days a year by Berean Baptist Church/Radio Station staff members.

The Tower Site, located in downtown Winston-Salem, was erected Radio Tower and soon WPIP was LIVE and on the air! Pastor Baity and other Church Staff members personally generated additional Underwriter support and operated the Radio Station for the first six months of operation. On the Air It was a very exciting time at the  Berean Baptist Church and for the Ministry itself.

Many local Bible believing and Bible preaching Churches have come onboard with Berean Baptist Church as together we "...earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints..."

WPIP can be heard locally at 880 on the AM radio dial from Sunrise until Sunset each day of the week and is owned and operated by Berean Baptist Church.

WPIP 880 AM is a "local Church ministry" of Berean Baptist Church and is also an affiliate radio station of the Fundamental Broadcasting Network located in Newport, North Carolina.

In July 2000, God opened yet another door of outreach ministry for the Berean Baptist Church and WPIP 880 AM Radio station when the station began broadcasting over the World Wide Web. Now, Berean Baptist Church would not only reach its "Jerusalem" with the sound of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but through the internet, we could now reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel message that "Jesus Saves! Jesus Saves!" Radio Console

WPIP can now not only be heard locally at 880 on the AM radio dial from Sunrise until Sunset each day of the week but now you can listen to WPIP's conservative Christian programming around the clock 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world. People from all over the world are able to hear the live services of Berean Baptist Church each week as well as other good local Bible Preaching Churches and Preachers! Click the "Watch/Listen" button above to hear our broadcast.

Each year WPIP broadcasts LIVE great events such as the National Bus Conference and the National Sword of the Sword Conference on Revival and Soul-Winning for listeners who are unable to attend those services but wish they could. Thanks be unto God, those listeners can now join in on the services LIVE through WPIP's internet connection!

Church Steeple As our dear Lord God continues to bless our Church and its ministry in the Winston-Salem, North Carolina area, we again found the need to expand our facilities.

In 2000, Berean Baptist Church purchased another 12+ acres of land and began preparations for another Church auditorium which would seat nearly 800.

The newer facility also provides room for a Balcony, several more Sunday School Classes, a larger Choir and Orchestra area, a larger nursery, more rest rooms and much needed office space for Pastor Baity and his staff.

What Great Things the Lord hath done for Berean Baptist Church!

Praise God....We are finally moved into the new church auditorium at Berean Baptist Church. Our New Auditorium

On Sunday, February 2, 2003, we moved into the new Church Auditorium. There was great singing and there were lots of visitors that came too. God blessed with 511 in attendance for our first service in the new building.

We look forward to seeing more souls saved and the Lord continuing to build His Church. On Sunday evening, Pastor Baity preached until after 9:00 p.m., but no one seemed to mind and the altar was filled with people giving testimony and praise unto God for all He had done.

Since 1981, God has blessed the Soul-Winning Ministries of Berean Baptist Church. God has blessed us and continues to bless.

In May 2003, the grass had begun to come up beautifully and our American Flag and our Christian Flag are now both up in front of the new Church Building too.

Thank you for praying for Berean Baptist Church as construction was being done... please continue to pray as our Church continues to reach those who are lost in our city, our county, our state, our country and our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!