A Poor Chinese Boy

By Harold Smith

My story today, boys and girls, is about a little Chinese boy named Min Pung. He was a poor, dirty, hungry little Chinese boy. His parents were dead. He had no friends and no food and no home and no money. How would you like to be that boy? For four days he had nothing to eat. He walked twenty miles to this little town and he felt sick and sad and wanted to go to sleep and never wake up again. That's a terrible way to live and a terrible way to feel! His brother, the only brother he had, had sent him away and told him not to come back again. So he went into this little town and into a temple that was open and he curled up in a corner and went to sleep, hoping that he'd never wake up again. Two men, Mr. Wang and his friend, Mr. Duncan - missionaries walking along the road - saw him and picked him up and they took him to Mr. Duncan's home. There, they put him in a bed like he'd never been in, with nice clean sheets. They gave him food that he never thought he would ever have again like that, it was so good! He thought, "I hope it's not all a dream", and it really wasn't. So they took him over to a camp where he learned about the Lord Jesus as well. He sat and listened to them sing and tell about the Lord Jesus. One day he saw Mrs. Duncan playing with her little daughter, taking so much time and hugging her and telling her how much she loved her. He just couldn't understand this. He had never had anybody in all of his life to tell him that he was loved and cared for, like Mrs. Duncan's daugher. Then he went to a meeting on Sunday night. The missionaries kept telling him that the Lord Jesus loves him and all boys and girls. Mr. Duncan would say, "We love the boys and girls and we want to see you saved!" They didn't have any hymnbooks because they were too poor there. But Mr. Duncan had taught the children to sing without hymnbooks. So he said, "Maybe there's somebody here that's trusted the Lord Jesus, but they find it hard to tell people. Would they like to come up and sing it out to the people?" One little girl came up to the front, and she sang, "Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. There's room in my heart for Thee. Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus. There's room in my heart for Thee". There was a pause, then others were invited to come up, then sure enough, little Min came up. He said, "I can't sing, but I'd like to try. 'Jesus loves me, this I know...'". Little Min was saved. The missionaries had to leave China, but little Min stayed to help spread the Gospel in his native tongue.