The Queen and a Little Bird

By Harold Smith

My story today is about the queen of England, queen Victoria, many years ago. Queen Victoria and a friend were riding on a boat on a sea voyage. Aboard the boat, they watched with interest a little bird circling around the ship. The sea was very calm just like glass and the little bird was kind of weary, way out in the water, and was looking for a place to rest. It tried to land on the water, but since it wasn't a water bird, it just flew up again. Then it tried to land on the flag of the ship, but the flag, of course, was flying and it couldn't land there. It didn't dare land on the deck for fear of the people. Well, the queen and her friend and others watched with interest. The queen asked the sailors to do something to save the little bird, but they couldn't do anything. The little bird flew away and soon came back again and it kept flying around until it got so exhausted that it just landed right on the deck - it couldn't go any further. The queen picked it up and took the little bird in her hand and smoothed its feathers and hoped that she could restore it to strength again, but it was of no avail. The little bird died in her hand. It was beyond the power of even the queen of England, with all of her wealth and all of her authority, to save that little bird. She was willing, but she just wasn't able. That little bird touched the heart of the queen of England. Her tender heart went out in pity to save that little bird, but she couldn't save it. You know, that little bird is like a soul. It has no resting place in this world. It is weary and sick and full of sin. The Lord Jesus is like the queen, willing to save us. But unlike the queen, the Lord Jesus is ABLE to save us! He came down from Heaven above, boys and girls. He came down for one purpose, to seek and to save lost sinners. He came into the world willing to save, but not only is He willing to save, He is ABLE to save! He's able to save because He died on the cross for sinners. The Bible says, "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them" - Hebrews 7:25. If you will trust Him as your Savior, He is willing and ABLE to save you! Trust Him today!