Only Sinners Get Saved

By Harold Smith

A man, in telling the story of how he was saved, said, "It's not saints, but sinners, that Christ came into the world to save". He said he was saved through Romans 5:8, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us". He had thought all of his life, and been taught all of his life, that to be saved you have to be a saint, and you have to be good, and it was only the righteous, the holy ones, that God really saved. He was told, and most of the preaching that he'd heard was that if you're good and go to church and read your Bible and do right by your neighbor, and try to obey the golden rule, that some way, somewhere, sometime, when you meet God, that God will have mercy on you for whatever you have done. Now, that wasn't right! For many long years, he'd tried, and tried and tried and tried to live that kind of a life - to find peace with God - but he just couldn't seem to find it. He followed the example of Christ and tried to do what the Lord told him to do, yet he had no rest and no peace in his soul. One day, he said, a friend of his wrote to him, saying "I was saved while attending some Gospel meetings held in the town, and the words that led me to the Savior was Romans 5:8". "It's not saints", he said, "but sinners. Not good people, but bad people that God loved, and Jesus came into the world to save". That was a shock to this young man, but yet, he realized the truth. Now, it was hard for him to admit that he was a sinner, that he wasn't good; and by the standard of other men he was good. He lived a good life, morally, but he had to admit that he was a sinner. "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" - Romans 5:8. He had to admit that - that he was a sinner and his proud heart rebelled against that. But he humbled himself and took his place as a poor sinner in the sight of God, and put his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, and he realized the truth in what his friend had said, that it's not saints but sinners that Christ came to save. It wasn't good people, but bad people that He came into the world to save. So he trusted Him, and he was wonderfully saved! I hope you'll trust Him and be saved today, before it's too late!