A Strong Tower

By Harold Smith

In the book of Proverbs, chapter 18 and verse 10 it says, "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe". A strong tower was a place of safety. The story is told of a father and mother and five children who thought they'd go out on a vacation and they took a camper and away they went. And they drove outward toward the Canadian Rockies from the states. Oh, how they enjoyed the scenery along the way: the praries and mountains and rich farmland, the elk and the deer and all the different animals they saw along the way. They got over near where it was time to camp at night. They had gone to several camping grounds but there was no space available, they were all filled up. So dad said, "Let's go down by the river and cool off. Everything will work out all right". So they found a nice spot and some of the boys went off fishing and soon they came back and they said, "We were talking to the dam keeper and he said it would be all right, Dad, for us to camp right by the river here". So they had something to eat and they set up camp right where they were. They got down and prayed before they went to bed and they read Scripture and they happened to read that verse: "The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe". They went to bed. They all got settled down, the camper door was locked, and the mother was awakened in the night by men's voices. And there was a banging and clanging on the door. Somebody was saying "COME OUT HERE, WE'LL TAKE CARE OF YOU!" The door was locked, but it wouldn't stand very long against those people outside. The dad opened the door a crack, and three angry looking men with clubs and sticks stood, and they said, "COME OUT HERE, WE'RE GOING TO GET YOU!" The dad calmly replied, "I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. He saved me by His precious blood and He takes care of me. Now would you please go away and let us go back to sleep?" To the surprise of the family, one of the men tipped his hat and said, "Sorry, sir", and the two other men were gone. Mother said, "All the time you were talking, I was thinking of that verse: 'The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe'. We're safe now, and that's a good example of that verse". I hope you trust in the name of the Lord for salvation and safety from the evil day that's coming in the future. Trust Him today - you'll be glad that you did!