Pierre the Shepherd Boy

By Harold Smith

Pierre was a very happy shepherd boy. He lived in a mission field and he didn't know anything about the Lord Jesus. He knew a lot about sheep and goats and how to look after them, but didn't know anything about the Lord. But one day a Christian man came into the little village and built a Gospel mission. And there he preached to boys and girls and older people as well and told them about the wonderful love of God and how they could be saved. Among the first who came to that Gospel mission was Pierre. He knew very little when he first came, but he became very interested. One Sunday afternoon, just before he left, he told one of the workers there, "I'd like so much to have one of those New Testament Bibles. While I look after the sheep and the goats on the mountainside I could read that New Testament". They gladly gave him a New Testament and he went off with his treasure. The following week he came back, and to their happy surprise, he said, "Jesus is mine!" He had read in the book of how to be saved, and he believed the Word of God and he received the Lord Jesus and he was really saved. The next time he came back he said, "I'd like to have one of those hymn books so that I can sing praises unto my God", and this he also received. The following week he came back with three or four companions who also believed and were saved. In the weeks following, the old road and the old paths that wound through the forest and over the hills rang with the songs of a circle of happy shepherd boys and girls who believed in the Gospel. Many a happy day they spent together singing about the Savior that loves them and died for them on Calvary's cross. Boys and girls, this is the real secret to being happy: it's to know the Lord Jesus as your Savior. It's to have that friend that sticks closer to you than any brother or anybody else. It's to have the joy of the Lord in your heart and soul. You can have that, boys and girls, you can be like Pierre. You might not be a shepherd boy, but you can be happy like him by trusting in what the Lord Jesus has done for you. Then you'll be able to sing, "Oh happy day that fixed my choice on Thee my Savior and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice and tell its rapture's all abroad". Trust the Savior and be happy today!