An African Girl and the Lions

By Harold Smith

Have you heard the story of Daniel and the lion's den? Surely you've heard that story. Well, I have a story of a little African girl and some lions. She came to Bible class and there she heard the story of the Lord Jesus and His love for her, and dying on the cross for her sins. She trusted Him as her Savior and she was saved. Her mother, however, was not pleased and beat the little girl for going to Bible school, and turned her over to the witch doctor, thinking he would make her afraid and give up this new religion. But the little girl did not cease to love her Savior, and talk about Him, and sing about Him. At last her mother said, "I'll fix her!" And she took her into the forest and she tied her to a tree. And she hoped that the lions would come and frighten her belief in Jesus out of her. Wasn't that a terrible thing to do? When her mother left her she said, "You are a worthless girl to me, good only for the lions". Throughout the long, black night the little girl remained there and prayed to the Lord, who said, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee". She trusted in the Lord to save her from the lions. She remembered that God shut the lion's mouth and delivered Daniel out of the lion's den. And she knew that God could deliver her, too. The next morning there were a couple of fellows to come through, and found her tied to the tree. They looked all around and they noticed the lion's tracks were all around that tree, but they were about 15 feet away. Not one of those lions came within 15 feet. The little girl never forgot that night, and she thanked the Lord many times for saving her from the lions. The Bible says the Devil is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. And the Lord Jesus alone can save you from the Devil and all of his power. He's got a lot of older boys and girls in his grip, but he doesn't have to have you. You can be delivered from the lion just like this little girl was, if you will trust Him like she did. Trust in the Savior today. He can deliver you from the Devil, that roaring lion! Do it and be saved, right now.