I'm Coming, Sir!

By Harold Smith

Boys and girls, did you ever answer a call to somebody and say, "I'm coming", but you didn't go? Well, that is the story I have to tell you about today. The story is about a man who was driving home in his horse and buggy and he came to a toll gate near a bridge where he had to pay to get his buggy and horse across. It was really raining hard and he was getting a bit wet. But when he got to the gate he found that the gate was closed, so he shouted at the gate to the man in the Toll Booth to open the gate. Soon there was a sleepy voice that said, "Coming sir." . Well, after waiting a few minutes in the rain, he called out again, and the man said, "Coming sir.", but he didn't come. The rain was soaking him through, and the man was now getting a bit angry, so again he called out for someone to open the gate, and again the voice came back, "Coming sir.", but he didn't come. So finally, the man got out of his buggy, went in to the Toll House and opened the door, and to his surprise, he found the old man asleep by the stove. He walked over and gave him a good shaking and woke him up. The old man, rubbing his eyes, looked up and said, "W-w-w-what's the matter?" "Why did you keep me waiting in the rain all this time", the man answered. "and kept saying you were coming, but you never came?" "Did I say that?", the old man said. "Oh, I am very sorryI'm so used to saying it, I guess I was saying it in my sleep and I didn't realize it." How many of you are just like that old man when it comes to the question of their soul's salvation? Sleepingsleepingsometimes they hear the voice of the Saviour, and almost without noticing it they say, "Oh yes, I'm coming sir.""I'm going to come someday", "I'm going to get saved someday", but they still go on and are asleep in their sins. Sometimes the Lord has to send someone to really shake them and to wake them up, like this man had to do with this old man, to shake them, to wake them and to make them realize that they are not saved, and get them to come to the Lord. I hope, if you're not saved boy or girl, that the Lord will shake you awake so that you will really come to the Lord, and not just say', "I'm going to come to the Lord someday", but that you'd open your heart's door, and come to the Lord and say, "Come into my heart and my life Lord, and save me today. The Bible says in II Corinthians 6:2, "behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation". Do trust the Saviour and be saved today. Don't sleep and be lost forever.