Can You Tell Me the Way to Heaven?

By Harold Smith

Our story today is about a boy who asked the question, "Can you tell me the Way to Heaven?" This boy was a soldier and his name was Burt. He had a very close friend who was called "Tiny Tim". They called him "Tiny Tim" because he was six feet and three inches tall! Well, they were in the war and they were down in a trench and many other soldiers were down in the trench and on the firing line, and the enemy was shelling the place heavily! And poor Burt, he got hit by one of the shell, and it looked pretty bad for Burt. It looked like they would not be able to help him very much. And Burt cried out to Tiny Tim, "Can you tell me the way to Heaven?". Well, Tiny Tim didn't know the way to Heaven, but this was his friend and he wanted to be able to help him and show him the way to heaven, but he didn't know what to tell him. So Tiny Tim asked the man in the trench next to him, "Can you tell my friend Burt how to get to Heaven?" And the man said, "No", but he asked the man next to him. They asked SIXTEEN MEN along that trench the same question, "Can you tell poor Burt how to get to Heaven?", but none of them knew. Isn't it sad, boys and girls, that people don't know, in a time of such need, the way to get to Heaven. Well, the story passed on to the seventeenth man, "Burt is dying and he wants to know the way to Heavencan YOU tell him the way to Heaven?" And oh, praise the Lord, this man knew the way to Heaven! And with a smile on his face, as he was still fighting in that war, he said, "Yes! I know the way to Heaven!" and he pulled out a New Testament and opened it to John 3:16, and he said to Tiny Tim, "Read this verse to Burt, and that will tell him how to get to Heaven!" So he took the little Testament back with him and there, with his finger still on that verse, he said, "Burt!! I've got it! I've got it! I know the Way to Heaven and he read these wonderful words "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Burt's poor eyes opened wide as he drank in every word, and he said "WhosoeverWHOSOEVERthat means MEwhosoever believeth in him should not perishI BELIEVE!" And with a look of peace upon his face, he closed his eyes in death, sure that he was on his way to heaven because he knew that Jesus is the Way to Heaven! Yes, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Why don't you do that same thing and trust Jesus Christ to be your Saviour today?!?! He will save you if you'll only ask him today! Do you know someone who needs to know the Way to Heaven today?? Why not go and tell them as soon as you can so they too can be saved and on their way to Heaven today!