About Our Bus Ministry

Church Bus One of the very first ministries started shortly after the Berean Baptist Church began was the Bus Ministry.

At first, it was slow work and there were many discouraging Sundays, but after much faithfulness and perseverance by workers that prayed as if it all depended upon God and worked as if it all depended upon them, God began to bless this ministry of reaching lost souls with the Gospel.

Soon, Berean Baptist Church and its buses were reaching into areas all over Winston-Salem and the surrounding communities. Boys and girls, as well as moms and dads, began to come and hear the Gospel.

Lives were changed and families renewed as a result of hearing the Gospel while riding one of those Church Buses to Sunday School at Berean Baptist Church.

Bus loads of people, young and old, rich and poor, black, white, Oriental, Hispanic, Chinese, German, African, Asian, and many other nationalities ride our buses to Church each Sunday.

Proverbs 22:2 says, "The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all." Surely, they all "meet together" on our Bus Routes each and every Sunday morning at Berean Baptist Church!

Berean Baptist Church is so thankful for every person that volunteers their time and talents to work in this ministry. But now, especially due to the laws requiring Church Bus drivers to have a Commercial Driver's Church Bus License with a special Passenger Endorsement, we areespecially thankful for each and every Church Bus Driver!

While all of these men serve as Certified CDL-P Drivers, some also serve as Bus Mechanics and some are also Bus Captains on their routes. Without them, we could not operate the buses... Thanks Men!

Would YOU be willing to learn to drive a Church Bus?
Driver Driver Driver Driver Driver Driver

Some day, some of these boys and girls may grow up to go to the Mission field, or some young man may become a Preacher or a Church Pastor, Bus Kids because someone cared enough to take the time to teach them Bus Kids about Jesus and to help them to "...grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord..."

Some young girl may grow up to be a Sunday School Teacher or be a loving wife and mother that would teach her children about Jesus and be the Christian wife that God would have her to be.

Some are shy, Bus Kids others have no teeth, Bus Kids some have big sisters and big brothers come with them Bus Kids and there are some of them that even look alike! But they all find room at the foot of the Cross of Calvary.  And when a child gets saved, it opens the door for whole families to come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Bus Kids

Acts 16:31 reminds us, "...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."

Jr. Church Each Sunday, we teach and preach to those Boys and Girls about the Love of God from the Word of God.

Large flannel graph boards are often used to "show" the children Bible pictures so as to help them retain visual images of the messages that they hear preached each week.

Singing All of the children love to learn new songs and sing about their love for The One who died for them to have eternal life. "Yes, Jesus loves me...the Bible tells me so..."

Through Bus Rider the years, we have seen how that God is no respecter of persons, but loves every man, woman, boy and girl

Bus Rider We are honored to bring each one to Church and to see souls saved, lives changed and families learning to live for the Lord God who has done such great things in their lives.

Bus Rider People who never heard the Gospel story have been able to hear the preaching of God's Word because some faithful, soul-winning Bus Worker stopped by their house and offered them a way to church on Sunday.

But it's not the ride to Church on a Bus, or the snack treats after Church or even the wonderful friendships made each week that will make "the real difference" in a person's life.  Instead, it is the Preaching of the Word of God aimed at the longing hearts of those who need the Gospel of Jesus Christ that makes the real difference.

Jr. Church Each week in various Children's Church services, boys and girls who ride buses to Church and boys and girls who come in cars to Church meet together to learn "more about Jesus".

Some are awarded prizes and certificates for being good and for displaying a "Christ-like behavior" during the service.

Jesus reminded the disciples of John the Baptist in the book of Matthew chapter 11, verse 5 that the greatest miracle of all was that "...the poor have the gospel preached to them..."

Thank God for the Bus Ministry!